Below is a summary of some of the topics discussed during the Barley Council's latest meetings

July 2024

  • Grains Australia is about to release from the Barley Classification Program the first of a series of performance summary documents for key, recently approved malting barley varieties. Preparation of these documents involves significant in-kind support from maltsters and brewers in Australia and will be of considerable value in marketing Australian malting barley.

  • The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre recently conducted a series of technical seminars on barley in China, thanks to investment from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations. Grains Australia was a delivery partner in the program, with a member of the Barley Council joining the delegation. These technical delegations are highly valued in customer countries and the Barley Council considers them a vital form of market engagement.

  • The Barley Council is making strong progress on developing its strategic priorities, with detailed proposals to be prepared for key new projects on Market Education and Market Insights.

March 2024

  • The Barley Council continued its ongoing work relating to the Barley Strategic Priorities Plan. The Barley Council is focusing its efforts on identifying potential gaps in priorities identified in the plan, and prioritising initiatives that align with Grains Australia’s strategic pillars.

  • The Barley Council was provided with an update from the Grains Australia Classification team on ongoing work taking place under its Malting Barley Accreditation program. Grains Australia’s accreditation program is recognised as the required standard for the determination of all new Australian malting barley varieties.

  • The Barley Council also received an update from Grains Australia’s Classification team on the work currently being carried out with the Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC) on modifications to the scoring system for assessment of malting barley varieties. The aim is to continue to improve the system to ensure that robust, market driven protocols are in place.

  • Grain Trade Australia (GTA) presented to the Council its new ‘Grain Industry Stewardship Framework for New Technologies’, which builds on its Market Choice Framework. The aim of the new framework is to ensure facilitation of trade with adoption of various innovations/technologies.

  • The Barley Council recognised the importance of having access to appropriate data so that it can make informed strategic decisions. The council worked on identifying relevant and potential barley data sources.

October 2023

  • The Barley Council reviewed 2023 classification activities and agreed coordination and communication between Grains Australia, maltsters and barley breeders is important for the classification program.

  • The Barley Council engaged with the Grains Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA) across a range of issues including GIWA’s monthly crop report and malt barley receival recommendations. GIWA and the Barley Council confirmed they will keep communication between them open. The Barley Council is keen to engage with industry organisations.

  • The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) provided an update to the Barley Council on recent activities including the Barley Reconnect with China project and delegation that took place in early October.

  • The Barley Council will continue to work and refine the strategic priorities for the barley industry, with a particular focus on the four Grains Australia pillars. Creating and maintaining strategic priorities for the barley industry is one of the key mandates of the Grains Australia Barley Council.

  • The Barley Council engaged with the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) which presented its five-year Research, Development & Extension Plan and highlighted some of the current projects GRDC is funding and their alignment with Barley Council strategic priorities.

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