Grains Australia is responsible for establishing and maintaining robust, market-oriented classification frameworks for all Australian grain commodities, that are understood and supported across the value chain.
Classification delivers value to growers and the market by providing Australian grain commodities with the chance to compete on the global stage, with leading varieties that are fit for purpose and add value to the whole grains industry supply chain.

The classification of a variety provides market signals for growers of the potential value of that variety. This in turn helps to define quality targets for breeders, and effectively determines the current and future quality of Australian grain for domestic and export purposes.
The Grains Australia Commodity Councils have a supporting role to ensure that the overall classification frameworks are accountable, transparent and sustainable in order to maintain and grow the reputation of Australian grains.
Classification involves assessing the inherent quality characteristics of a new variety focusing on processing and end use performance.
• Quality characteristics assessed (excluding agronomic characteristics) during variety classification are more comprehensive than those possible at receival.
• Classification delivers classes of Australian grains with distinct quality attributes and processing virtues.
• Stringent assessment processes ensure consistent and appropriate quality.