Positive engagement with China was achieved during a visit to that country by Grains Australia personnel and industry partners earlier this year.

“Grains Australia is actively looking for ways to build on this engagement and ensure Australia and China can create a stronger partnership and work towards achieving benefits for both parties,” Grains Australia Chief Executive Officer Richard Simonaitis said.

“It is important to partner with our valued importing countries to understand their needs and make sure we are delivering as an industry.”

Mr Simonaitis said Grains Australia, Grain Trade Australia (GTA) and the Australian Government had worked closely together to re-engage with China after a period including COVID-19 disruptions.

The market engagement had also coincided with China’s removal of duties on Australian barley, and it had been constructive and timely to discuss China’s barley requirements.

The visit to China saw Mr Simonaitis, General Manager Trade and Market Access John Ackerman and Pulse Council Chair Peter Wilson travelling to Shanghai in September to participate in the China Pulse 2023 (Autumn) Conference and China Pea 2023 & Plant-Based Marketing Congress.

“A roundtable discussion held as part of the pulse conference highlighted that Australia should focus on maintaining consistent sorghum quality, explore mungbean market opportunities and jointly address ongoing challenges for sustainable industry growth,” Mr Simonaitis said.

Along with GTA CEO Pat O’Shannassy, Mr Simonaitis and Dr Ackerman then visited Beijing for a round of meetings with representatives from government, importing organisations and industry associations.

“Take home messages were that Australian grains are well received and continued engagement between our two countries should be a key focus given the stabilised relationship in the grains sector,” Mr Simonaitis said.

“I’m grateful for the significant market engagement support we received from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).”

Image: Representing Grains Australia, pictured front from left, are our CEO Richard Simonaitis, General Manager Trade and Market Access John Ackerman and Pulse Council Chair Peter Wilson.

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