Growers, agronomists and supply chain members are all encouraged to do their part to control weed seeds in chickpeas and lentils.

Chickpea and lentil growers are urged to use multiple tactics to control weeds, stop seed set and drive down the weed seedbank.

Potential export opportunities to the subcontinent are available for Australia’s 2024/25 chickpea and lentil crops.

These potential opportunities include a window of tariff-free chickpea access to India which earlier this year suspended Desi chickpea tariffs until March 31, 2025.

The Indian Plant Protection Organisation’s prohibited weed seeds list includes Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum).

The Indian weed seeds list is available on the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website (Manual of Importing Country Requirements)

Grain Trade Australia (GTA) pulse trading standards for 2024/25, which include weed seeds listed under Foreign Seed Contaminants, are available on the GTA website.

While trace amounts of ryegrass and wild radish meet GTA receival standards it is important to note that grain destined for the Indian market must be completely free of these weeds.

Helpful weed management resources include:




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About Grains Australia

Grains Australia delivers value to the Australian grains industry through the provision of industry services and functions including management of trade and market access, classification, market insights and market education that improves the industry’s competitiveness and profitability.

Grains Australia is an initiative of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). GRDC leads investment in grains research, development and extension (RD&E) in Australia to create enduring profitability for grain growers.

A partnership between the Australian Government and grain growers, GRDC’s primary objective is to drive the discovery, development and delivery of world-class innovation to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of Australian grain growers and benefit the industry and the wider community.

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