Grains Australia’s John Ackerman will deliver a keynote address at Western Australia’s biggest grain event, emphasising the international importance of grain and outlining challenges that will impact global grains markets into the future.
“These challenges include increased nationalism, rising trade barriers and ongoing geopolitical tensions,” said Dr Ackerman, Grains Australia General Manager Trade and Market Access.
“These issues highlight the critical need for coordinated, industry-driven solutions and the provision of information that can inform appropriate government policy.”
Dr Ackerman has more than 30 years of experience in domestic and international agriculture sectors, encompassing research, policy development and industry engagement.
At Grains Australia, he and his team take a strategic approach to trade and market access, with the aim of maintaining and improving access to current markets and developing new ones.
An initiative of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), Grains Australia is responsible for managing classification, trade and market access, market insights and market education to enhance industry competitiveness and profitability.
Dr Ackerman will tell the GRDC Grains Research Update – Perth that grain has shaped civilisations throughout time and many urban populations have underestimated food’s importance.
“These learnings remain relevant today, and we are living in a time when food is increasingly politicised in global trade and uncertainties are affecting farming on the world stage,” he said.
“Amidst rising nationalism and protectionism, we are currently seeing vigorous global discourse around tariffs and a rise in ‘non-tariff measures’ (measures other than ordinary tariffs that can impact international trade) – creating uncertainty for growers and consumers.”
Dr Ackerman said Australia’s role remained important and Australian growers and industry were in a unique position to lead by example globally.
“Australia is a significant grain trading nation, exporting a large proportion of its grain production. As well, we have excellent research organisations, and therefore an excellent knowledge base, that can go a long way to assisting some of our partner importing countries,” he said.
In response to current challenges, Dr Ackerman will emphasise the need for Australia to have a coordinated industry approach and for government decisions and activities to be underpinned by increased understanding and involvement.
“We need to strive to improve engagement with our partner countries, to involve growers as collaborators and problem solvers in decision making, to leverage Australia’s agricultural expertise, diversify markets and better communicate Australian practices that meet the expectations of our markets,” he said.
Media enquiries
Natalie Lee, Grains Australia –
About Grains Australia
Grains Australia delivers value to the Australian grains industry through the provision of industry services and functions including management of trade market access, classification, market insights and market education that improves the industry’s competitiveness and profitability.
Grains Australia is an initiative of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). GRDC leads investment in grains research, development and extension (RD&E) in Australia to create enduring profitability for grain growers.
A partnership between the Australian Government and grain growers, GRDC’s primary objective is to drive the discovery, development and delivery of world-class innovation to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of Australian grain growers and benefit the industry and the wider community.
February 24, 2025